Keane & Fatboy Slim Update
Seth: lol, Keane is just nice to the ears and soul, seeing them going TOP in the music debut chart is kinda expected. You can read the full article at:
Under the Iron Sea
Reviewed by: John-Michael Bond [Thu, July 27, 2006 @ 6:47:17 PM]
"Upon first listen, Keane's Under the Iron Seais a hodgepodge of piano balladry that does little to move thelistener. Some may write this off as the dreaded 'sophomore slump' butupon further investigation it is apparent that the forces of subtletyare at work here making this into a really great album.
It is easy to hear some of the leftover melodies from the groups' previous effort Hopes and Fearson the track ‘Nothing in My Way’, lets face it, this group does have asignature sound of echoed pianos and sing along melodies, but don't letthat distract you from appreciating the beautiful soundscapes andhidden gems this record has to offer.
It is amazing how full this group sounds for only being a trio. The --"
Fatboy Slim to light up Romanian beach party in early August - Bucharest Daily News
Ok, another update on Hwang's recommendations... The 43 years old DJ(Norman), still hot as ever will hold a concert on August 5th at a Romanian Beach, which sounds VERY cool -- especially when he goes on the big stage, the crowd will certainly have a "dance party" under -- which also means...
Lots of bikinis and bouncing balloons.
By the way, he's got MySpace too, you can see it at:
Upcoming Shows | ( view all ) |
| Global Gathering | Stratford Upon Avon | ||
| Beach Party | Romania | ||
| Jesolo Beach | Jesolo | ||
| V Festival | Chelmsford | ||
| V Festival | Stafford |
Norman's crowds in a previous concert.
Fatboy Slim to light up Romanian beach party in early August
Bucharest Daily News, Romania -
"Acclaimed British DJ Fatboy Slim will hold a concert August 5 in the beach resort of Mamaia. The show is considered to be the biggest ... "
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