fot those who don't know where is sunway college!
sunway college is located at the area of subang. It is located beside sunway medical center, in front of extreme park and behind of SUNWAY PYRAMID. guess you guys still don't know where is it rite? then i dont know how to further explain unless you sit on my car and i fetch you around that area.
so now i think im promoting sunway college. haha. know how it looks like? take a look at the picture.
this is my parking space and my car. the benz on the right.
this is sunway college building
this is sunway college autopay machine.
this is the sunway college guard house.
this is sunway college sign.
this is sunway college football field
so i guess you all know how sunway college looks like so if anyone in the future ask you where is sunway college and just tell them to go to the blog and read it. :)

lol Jeng, I believe the Benz is yours, REALLY.
OMG jeng,
ur brain got screwed up or wat ?!
Y crazy edi ar ?!
hahahhaa, i've been to sunway's tennis court for touney in july this year! *grin*
haha. stup jiliang! im not crazy k? just that our blog had been so quite for long time. so just get sumthin to post up. make it alive again.
wah u drivin benz ah
ur futsal so geng
sunway is a sun on a way.
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