genting trip is on 5th of january till 7th of jan. this maybe the last time we go to genting. BOSS contact me and ask me to do it every year. but i guess its kinda hard because we don't know what will happne in the future. so i hope you guys can go for the last time please..!!!!!!! that's all. just leave down comments whether you goin or not. thanx people.
this post brought to you by:
tan jeng shiun
mr jengz
genting trip is on 5th of january till 7th of jan. this maybe the last time we go to genting. BOSS contact me and ask me to do it every year. but i guess its kinda hard because we don't know what will happne in the future. so i hope you guys can go for the last time please..!!!!!!! that's all. just leave down comments whether you goin or not. thanx people.
this post brought to you by:
tan jeng shiun
mr jengz
last time at genting ? So evil.
I haven't evn been there once la. As for me, I wanna go. I most prob can too. Since its the last one, or so you say, ok lah. Let's.
Wont be there..sorry
We're ALL GOING!!!
No way out, You know, like WWE?
lol, this time a LOT of people will be going so let's make it FUN. wahaha
cool, for some reason I just wanna say I love my comment
now post yours dude, yes you lookin at this comment
yes your eyes are alright
I'm talking to you dude
what? can't get enough of me?
fine, fine. I'll let you massage my toes on Genting(ah even that costs money, you gotta pay me a hundred bucks to touch my toes).
but first comment about how you can make Genting more fun Lol, and what food you're best at preparing
now type it
Sammy: I know you LOVE it.
and my bro hwang at least the (fill in your adjective here) silence is broken ;)
keep posting up dudes, jeng won't be here till Sat so if you can offer to bring some food then you won't be forced to bring SOME.
ok. i'm bringing them soft drinks. happy getting fat people!
coke. sprite. some outrageous orange? sorry, no foreign drinks like indah water.
and who's not going? you're getting some spanking. *ooh kinky!*
btw, how about us guys all buy some kinky boxers (that doesn't show genitals) and wear it for maybe a period of time and walk around genting?
bikinis too. <3
He I can't go lah...will be leaving on the 54th to CAmbodia on a mission trip....Sniff..btw guys, I'll be going to Adelaide to study next year! Will be leaving in February. So we better catch up and keep in touch!!
Love, sung
He I can't go lah...will be leaving on the 54th to CAmbodia on a mission trip....Sniff..btw guys, I'll be going to Adelaide to study next year! Will be leaving in February. So we better catch up and keep in touch!!
Love, sung
Hope u all have fun...:)
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