Happy New Year 2007
I know it's already past 1 month. (and more...) But I still wanna officially wish everyone on the blog HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!
(This may seem like a move of desperation to revive our near dying blog but I assure you, IT IS! It seems that we're all really losing touch in someway or another. So I really do hope we see slightly more blogging instead of ZERO blogging.)
Now, I can already hear my fans screaming my name and asking where I celebrated the New Year and how I celebrated the new year. (Yes, I still have fans even though nobody blogs.)
Now. Where did I celebrate the New Year?
Back to reality : I met people from all around the city. People that I know. From the BOBBY gang to Tze Yee to Kean Soon to Chin Sam to Ai Peng. Which is why the place was so darn crowded.
But it was fun. HAPPY NEW YEAR people.
Don't have. Since nobody blogged. Blardy.
Kidding-lah. Janganlah merajuk. Here are the photos.
I have no idea when we took this photo that day. But it was inside Yauw's car. I am Super Kawaii and I know it.
Jengster's comments: here's four of us sitting behind justin car! he drove his harrier and 6of us go in one car. Look at Sze keat, he's a freaking LALA.
Snake and ladders, super sized.
Jengster's comments: here are some entertainment for people who visit cineleisure. This game is lame! Snake and Ladder! When the snake eat you from the head then you will be shit out at the tail.
Tze Yee and Choon Yauw. She lives in Cheras but she comes to Cineleisure.
Jengster's comments: here's tze yee(miss i never blog before) and choon yauw(rawang boss). even thou choon yauw not from 5k but tze yee is! so i have to blog this picture. She look different~!
Jeng Shiun is a lame ass. Need I say more?
Jengster's comments: This me act as Mr Bean. He's my great IDOL! lol! im posing behind the chicken. GUess Who's behind that?
That's the back of Justin's head and that's the fireworks.
Our Bobby friend Cheryl Hoh's another surprise guest. Say HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Jengster's comments: here we are! the group of guys except cheryl. Everyone smile happily because its another new year!
And Happy New Year!
One more time!
(This may seem like a move of desperation to revive our near dying blog but I assure you, IT IS! It seems that we're all really losing touch in someway or another. So I really do hope we see slightly more blogging instead of ZERO blogging.)
Now, I can already hear my fans screaming my name and asking where I celebrated the New Year and how I celebrated the new year. (Yes, I still have fans even though nobody blogs.)
Now. Where did I celebrate the New Year?
The Curve.
I thought, "Wow, the curve, near my place. Hmm... Not many people live near the area. I know, because I maybe living there. I suppose I won't meet many people there."Back to reality : I met people from all around the city. People that I know. From the BOBBY gang to Tze Yee to Kean Soon to Chin Sam to Ai Peng. Which is why the place was so darn crowded.
But it was fun. HAPPY NEW YEAR people.
Don't have. Since nobody blogged. Blardy.
Kidding-lah. Janganlah merajuk. Here are the photos.
Jengster's comments: here's four of us sitting behind justin car! he drove his harrier and 6of us go in one car. Look at Sze keat, he's a freaking LALA.
Jengster's comments: here are some entertainment for people who visit cineleisure. This game is lame! Snake and Ladder! When the snake eat you from the head then you will be shit out at the tail.
Jengster's comments: here's tze yee(miss i never blog before) and choon yauw(rawang boss). even thou choon yauw not from 5k but tze yee is! so i have to blog this picture. She look different~!
Jengster's comments: This me act as Mr Bean. He's my great IDOL! lol! im posing behind the chicken. GUess Who's behind that?
Jengster's comments: here's the fireworks! Red colour fire! how nice?:)
Jengster's comments: here we are! the group of guys except cheryl. Everyone smile happily because its another new year!
Jengster's comments: seth with the lick on the ice-cream!
Jengster's comments: And finally here's jengz with thumbs up! So everyone start a new year, new life and new hope. Just forget about the past and start working up right now! GG!
So much for New Year's Celebration. Revive blog, revive!
Happy New Year 5kay peeps. Valentine's day's nearing...
P.S. Those were the 1st sets of photos uploaded by Jeng Shiun which made him a featured guest on this post. No worries.. More pictures to come. If you don't see yourself inside, don't emo with me, emo with Jeng Shiun. But I guarantee you, the next set of photos will be an offer you can't refused. (Scandals included.)
lol, nice post man! good job! make the blog alive
Oh dear SK..
u're so kawaii !!!
Post something!
But at least some people are reading...
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