Hey 5K dudes, here's a super cool update from Seth Chong AKA Mr Incredible! Ok, ok, here's how it goes:
It's Wednesday, and it's a super fun day because we went Starlight Cinema together. Firstly, SK the sexy beast, Jeng turtle and Tze Yee PMS went to buy food(You've certainly mistaken if it's healthy food, it's JUNK food) together, while I went to buy some Chicken Rice for the whole group of people(coming up!).
Now that it's around 6pm, then I drove my biggie(yeess biggie, it's a Kancil) inside Sentul West Part till KLPAC, where Starlight Cinema is just beside it. After around 15 mins, then I saw SK sexy beast and TY PMS driving into the carpark in a super lousy ATOS! Oh yea, it's Sze Keat driving anyways, Lol.
They drove in, turn a big round then came back and parked beside my biggie. After that, Jeng came along too, and then Jiliang our Big Boss showed up looking cool as well. You know what's funny?
We at least hang around the car park for 45-60minutes doing crazy stuffs as usual. Lol, then as Tze Yee got her hands on Sze Keat's camera, people start taking pictures. Here's from my side(TONS more in SK's camera...cause it's friggin in TY's hands!):
"Woo, big blue sky with baby poo cloudsThen when we see people start driving their cars into the car park, only we took our food, drinks, and mat inside to the Starlight Cinema. Here's the look of it:
Lookin' cool huh? Oh deemm...you're so wrong
if you think I'm not carrying anything Walk walk walk, and then yeah, We Reached! Ok, it's a 1 minute walk only, I sound excited because I've learnt to syok sendiri lately hehe. And then once there, we gave em our ticket printed(Yes PRINTED) and gotten in.
Aiyah dem, I shoulda print 10 so everyone can get in free actually, but Tze Yee said she got only 4 free tickets and said I'm cheap so I printed 6 ne hehe.
There, once in this is what we see! Oh wait, actually got quite lots of little tents selling things like ice cream, hot dogs burgers and drinks but we just enter and find a spot.
Big, Big Screen, sound effect super good also
What to do next? Of course put mat la, if not how you gonna sit!? Ok I admit, can sit on the grass(keat boon, kean soon and ding shyong came too and they sat on grass romantically, cool yeah?), but mat cleaner la.
Put down our things, SK and TY first go take picture and syok sendiri like I said just now lol, while me, jeng the turtle, boss and hwang sat on the mat, put the stuffs nicely and relax.
Whoa, suddenly Hwang get high already, and he wanted to eat ice cream. Before he go, he even asked us if we wanted Ice Cream(Super Generous Man, which is RARE)! Lol, thanks anyways Hwang, the ice creams were great.
The Cinema projector, kinda tradisional manSo while we were waiting, I took the projector picture la. As we wait for another 15 minutes, then everybody came back already. We find our own spot sit down/lie down and wait for the movie to start. This is the pic:
Looks happy huh? like kids only!And another one 5 minutes later:
Oii, movie haven't start? Relax laRight before the movie begins, our favourite Capri the piggie(or our "zhat" target lol) came in looking cool, which I said that cause she brought us all another mat! Hehe no lar Capri, you're always our favourite girl despite the mat.
A while after that, the movie starts! The show we watched is V for Vendetta, which is a dem cool guy. If he's a real person I bet he can make a nice friend lol. After the part where V exploded the building on top of the roof with the chun girl(around 5 mins also after the show starts) then Samantha our favourite Cake Baker reached the Cinema too!
You know somethin? A cake baker's presence is alwaaayys cool, cause look what she's brought for us:
MMmmm...'Stupid Cake' in Ice Cream Cones!Needless to say, we finished half before she can even sit down and breathe lol, then we enjoyed the show together.
Ok basically V for Vendetta is a funny show as well, although this guy looks a lil gay with his hair cut like coconut and fights with short knife, he's super cool in talking. In the middle of the show, because my butt starts to itch so I stood up and kacau people with my camera.
This is the picture in the middle of the show(damn, they can still pose nicely, wthh??):
Say "Cheeesee!" No, not the pervert looks again!The movie took around 1 and a half hours, then it ended with firecrackers, super cool. Right after it I took a picture of our group again, and here are the peeps smiling cheerfully despite seeing our hero V got shot(luckily our Big Boss got feelings la, didn't laugh and still pay respect lol):
Yeah, cool movie manWe also sang "Happy Birthday" to Jeng too, what GOOD friends we are! With one candle on a cute 'Stupid Cake', we celebrated Jeng's birthday yesterday.
While people are packing up, Jeng & SK went to the movable public toilet and the rest of us started packing up stuffs too(Something FUN after this muahahaha). When both of them got back, we got a pair of loving couples to take a group picture for all of us:
Wednesday Party, peeps! Many people left already, but there are still a few big groups of people beside us. Now here's a really fun thing for us to do. When we enter the Starlight Cinema, we were given Brylcream Gels and Shaving Creams.
And before the movie started, Hwang came out with a BRILLIANT idea of us GELing Tze Yee's hair to a Cone, and guess what -- SHE AGREED!! Lol of course we didn't hesitated and played Magician Barbers AKA "Ai Qing Mo Shu Shi"(you know, the TV show Istee Likes) on her. Turns Out...
"Krobelus" from DOTA, Cool??
Beautiful? You Betcha!!!Lol of course although there's no Cone, we still ruined her hair with some styles hehe. After that, only then we call it a day, packed up everything and walked together outta the Starlight Cinema. Say what? This Wednesday Party rocks lol!