Mr I's B'Day
Hello, boys & girls!
We celebrated Seth's 19th (finally!) birthday at Chilli's & here are the pics~ :D

Wut's it called... Darn! Forgot that term for people who have a sick lust for animals! Reminds me of Daniel and the cats at Taylors XD
Tinggal tetek.
After dinner, Shann, Seth, Andrew & I hung around for a bit, playing with weighing scales come fortune telling machines.
Then we went to the arcade for awhile and I realized something following my recent trip to Singapore with Shann. Most peeps probably don't know this, but...
Para para dancing rocks Shann's boat XD
Then we went to the arcade for awhile and I realized something following my recent trip to Singapore with Shann. Most peeps probably don't know this, but...
Para para dancing rocks Shann's boat XD
So, Arvind... You know what to do!
After Shann left, the boys and I were walking to the car park when my gorgeous wedges broke!!! :( Well, at least one side did, which made it even worse. I had to limp like a friggin retard! Then we spotted an empty car and suddenly the answer was crystal clear~

Thank you, Andrew! Painful feet be gone! On the other hand, painful bum be sore!
Seth was supposed to send Andrew & I home but somehow we kept missing the right turnings over and over again. Come to think of it... Did you do it on purpose, Seth? :P Wanted to keep us out longer, right?!
Frustrated, we gave up looking for home and our detour turned into a yam cha + sheesha session all the way at Hartamas Square.
While looking at the drinks menu:
Andrew: So what d'you wanna drink?
Me: Hmm.. Ooh ooh! They have beer! I want! *Guilt kicks in* But cannot, cannot... I'm already high enough. I think I should just take 'leong cha'...
Andrew: But Sam.. You should enjoy your life. You feel like drinking beer, right? Just order the beer.
Me: Really?? Hmm... Okok! Wait! No lah... I think its better if I just have a 'shuit cha'...
Andrew: But Sam! You're young. Embrace life! If you feel like beer, just GO for the beer!
Me: OKOK! Yes! I'll just go for the beer!
Andrew: So what d'you wanna drink?
Me: Hmm.. Ooh ooh! They have beer! I want! *Guilt kicks in* But cannot, cannot... I'm already high enough. I think I should just take 'leong cha'...
Andrew: But Sam.. You should enjoy your life. You feel like drinking beer, right? Just order the beer.
Me: Really?? Hmm... Okok! Wait! No lah... I think its better if I just have a 'shuit cha'...
Andrew: But Sam! You're young. Embrace life! If you feel like beer, just GO for the beer!
Me: OKOK! Yes! I'll just go for the beer!