Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
You Are an Indie Rocker! |
![]() You are in it for the love of the music... And you couldn't care less about being signed by a big label. You're all about loving and supporting music - not commercial success. You may not have the fame and glory, but you have complete control of your career. |
Lol! Indie Rocker? Cool gila ni.
You are Hulk
| You are a wanderer with amazing strength. ![]() |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Whoa Lao Eh
I've got something crazy for you.
Wanna know what it is?
Come closer...
No, closer...

Remember what it is?
Take a closer look...

FINE, I'll tell you what it is...
If you remember, there was once...a spider which came into our class.
You know, and ALL the guys went crazy over it.
It hung on Yi Sung's hand.
It hung on Sze Keat's hand.
It hung on Daniel's(Chua) hand.
It hung played around Adrian's hand.
It ran around Jeng Shiun's hand too I think.
Went up and down. Jumped. Leaped. Whatever you see in the Spiderman movie(cept fightin).
Remember it NOW?
What happened finally was, SK took "his test tube" outta his bag, and we put the spider inside.
Then, that crazy guy took a bread plastic I think...and he stuck it to prevent the spider from coming out(same old original bread plastic stuffing the test tube!).
Oh yeah, before that, stuffed a bread crumb in.
And thus...formed THIS!

Ok ok...I know what's in your mind...
How the heck do I STILL HAVE IT?
Phew...don't laugh. It happens that no one wanna keep spidey. So I brought it home. And guess what I did?
Too much movie influence, I put spidey into the FREEZER somehow(yes its dead already).
Untill few days ago, I finished up the food inside freezer, sausages, hams, all of it, and AHA, I found spidey inside the friggin TEST TUBE!
Really, super centimental eh?
So here's the deal.
If you wanna meet with spidey again, you can. YES!
Yep, but with one condition.
You gotta go out on the next outing we have, and I'll bring it along(Lol)!
Alright, that's all for today. Gotta put spidey back into freezer... before that another picture of it with the baby poster on the fridge's freezer.

k, shooh, back into where you are test tube spidey.
At least for now. ;-)
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006

listen up. there's gonna be another genting trip next weekend. here are the details...
DATE : 30th June 2006, 1st July 2006, and 2nd July 2006
VENUE : Kuan Hwang's Place ( in Genting of course )
well ,as usual we're supposed to meet at WMS. this time, at 5pm on the 30th of June which is a Friday. by bus as usual. then we gonna spend ALL the time up there in the house only. not going up to the theme park. yes. spending time as FAMILY. as seth told me. =) sounds awfully good. *but i got prom on the 29th! waillll.... hopefully not too tired* anyways hope y'all will make it. reunion time baybeh! plus we dont really need to spend much cash. just bring cash for food and bus. yeah. thats it. and bring ur swimming stuff! this time we're sooooo gonna swim in the freezing water longer than we usually do. haha. and the rest can go cycling, basketballing and *ghost hunting*. eeeekkkkkk!!!!! and i m sure there's alot to do as well. like catch up with each other and all. yeay!!!!!!!!
make it ppl.
or else....
*jeng jeng jeng*
ps : anyone offended by the 18-sx pictures can sue me in court. hehe. i m sorry.
Candy Canes are YUMMY!!!!!!
btw, those who're going for the genting trip please leave a comment. thanks.
Woot Wednesday!
Ok ok, here's the story: Happens that we went out to Mid Valley today, and heck it's helluva enjoyable. Guess we met there at around 12.40pm or sumthin, the group of fags formed by Sze Keat Tze Yee Jeng Yen Mei and of course "you-know-who".
Picture frenzy stuff, took almost everything(artistic I know.).
Firstly Yen Mei didn't showed up, Jeng was supposed to DATE her 1-1(tricked TY to believing Jeng's new girlfriend is easy to cheat one), so we first lined up together and buy our tickets for the Cinema (ooo kinda funny show btw), here's the line...
Beardy got no idea why we take, but lovinn' it.
Actually, no one has got an idea why we're taking pictures of them lol. But heck they love it anyways. I guess.
"Poof" it goes, we got our tickets, and then went to the arcade together for some fun. Somebody's lost that time, yeah, lost. So we went into the arcade first waiting for *her* call.
Of course as usual, arcade - you know what happens next yea?
Now I know it's fun playing with no token!
After realizing they gotta play some real stuff, they changed some tokens and took off for the police machine. Police machine, my... Take a look at this and you know what's going on Lol.
Jeng came in and played too, turned out...
At this time, Tze Yee who got lost attracted by some nice dress found us again, saw these 2 play stuff, and then only we happily left after the 2 fags above got bored of the police machine keep showing them the word 'Game Over'.
Cause it's 1 hour+ from our movie, so we went to McDonald's first, got some "I'm lovin it" meals and had it together on the top.
While we're chatting and eating, out pops Jeng's "new girlfriend"(whom he dated) Yen Mei, and we had some more nice chats etc, it's fun.
This' nice, eating together : )
When it's 2.45pm, we went down, Jeng and Sze Keat bought some pop corns, and bumped into Jessy & See Ki. As usual, the girls asked each other these questions (why am I feeling guilt), like:
"Ei, why are you here one?"
"Ei? Jessy and See Ki?"
And they asked the same question...
"Ei, why you guys here one?"
"Heyy, what movie are you watching?"
Stuff like that la, then we talked a bit and went in for our movie. The movie we watched is called "We Are Family", thought it's going to be lousy at first, but it turned out to be kinda nice.
After finishing the movie, we walked out, 'break' into KFC, and sat down for another meal there. Another nice chat, and after we're done with it, the girls said goodbye and left. As for us tripods...
Toys'R'Us We Went!

As for Genting trip dudes, let's get rockin' and watch football together there lol, comment at Natalie's post, this' gonna be nice. ;-)
Wanna know how it's gonna be like? Anticipate for this:
See you there!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Mawi is so cool...

His name is Mawi. And he is the winner of Akademi Fantasia. He's got alot of fans, but truth is, I have more. Anyway more about him and less about me today.
I got this picture of him on my way to the car park with Seth and Jeng Shiun today after out Woot Wednesday! outing with the both of them and the ladies, Miss Amy "AI" Lee and Tze Yee the
Anyway I'll cover this topic some other time.
But we are here to talk about Mawi cuz' he's so damn cool! Look at him. So yeng!


This Mawi wannabe.
Bet ya' didn't know. Now you do!
World Cup Fever!
You should know that before the matches, during half time and after the matches, they will have this 2 dudes out from no where talk like they really pwn football big time. Like they're the best there is and they can predict the future of football. (Not something bad and it isn't their fault, it's their job.)
These 2 dudes are:

In case you're wondering, they're not gays.
These 2 dudes have to work pretty hard actually, covering the football matches LIVE! and have to work from 9 pm to 5 am in the morning everyday for this whole month. (I don't know if they've stayed up so late though. Or early in the morning for that matter.)
But they're living the life some of the football (World Cup) maniacs are hoping to live this whole month, which is getting paid to watch every single match. How good is that? You get paid to watch football and people have to listen all the sh*t you say on TV. LOL.
But some of us would be wondering... Who are these guys? Why on earth are they on TV? Why are they getting paid for watching football? WHY? WHY? WHY?
Well, I for one NEVER heard of their names. Ever. Probably I didn't watch football hardcore 24/7. Probably they're some super famous rockstars who has groupies (like me) and everyone thinks that they're the cooooooolest!
So I did my very own research on these dudes.
My 1st take on Paul Masefield was that he was lucky and he spoke good english.
Turns out that he was actually an ex-professional footballer who has represented the likes of Birmingham, Stockport and Preston before moving to Hong Kong. There he played for the Hong Kong selection side taking on the likes of Sampdoria, Inter Milan and the Yugoslavian national side. Now in Singapore, where Masefield plays professionally, the Midlander also owns his own company that acts as a coaching school for kids.
Well, he's not exactly the best footballer there is but he's still one. And he speaks good english. Mrs. Stanley would definitely *love* him!
Then we have Shebby Singh. He's not exactly the type of guy I'd picture commenting on football matches. He doesn't look like Larry King. And he's the one who's suppose to be the football expert.
First moment I saw him, I asked myself, "Who on earth is this guy?" and many other questions.
Then I found out, he's on Astro Soccastars. (No, it's not a typo. Astro don't really spell good.)
He has this photo of him on it.
Ain't he the coolest?

But according to my research, Mr. Shebby Singh is actually some professional Malaysian footballer too. And according to one of his achievements he has achieved during his footballing career was, (according to his Soccastars profile page here)
But really, I have nothing against Mr. Paul Masefield or Mr. Shebby Singh. I like listening/watching to them do their thang on TV! =)
Disclaimer: This post was written for entertainment pleasure only. Please do not take it seriously. (Grr...)
Monday, June 19, 2006
actually holidays started like on the 10th of june for me. it ends on the 10th of july. Whoa, exactly ONE MONTH! hehe.. i m one lucky bitch i tell u. well i havent been posting lately. cos well my internet explorer file decided to go on a holiday and go missing from my comp. so had to ask MR SEXY BEAST aka Ong Sze Keat who is such a sweetie btw to send me the Mozilla Firefox thingy cos apparently everyone says its better. so *whee* i can post. i wanted to post last monday after i came home from langkawi but like halfway computer crashhhh.... sial. anyways, after my last paper on the 9th of june which was econs unit 1 and 2 which was TOTAL MURDER btw, my mommy brother and i flew to langkawi. hehe the island of every alcoholic and chocolate addict's dream... i am a CHOCOLATE ADDICT. i love 'em. anyone else? hehe...i see capri raising her hand. lolz.
We stayed at Berjaya Langkawi Beach and Spa Resort. the place is just so nice wei.... pretty chalets and nice beach. and we got the room at like 100-plus instead of the normal rate of RM468. hehe. sweet. we should go for a holiday guys. to somewhere tropical. any island with a berjaya hotel. i can get lower rates. then my aunt and family came. 4 cousins. little May as well. she's the youngest and the cutest! went to the beach. sun bathed, played with the kids, watched football in the lounge cos my brother said so, played pool with him, shopped, bought alcohol and chocolates. man, i spent like RM170 bucks on chocolate alone man. crazy. told u i m an addict. what else? did nothing of the tourist sight seeing thing cos my family and i go there so often. every year we go. basically its an island where we let down our hair and relax.
Came back on monday. got an SMS asking if i wanted a job to "just to hand out leaflets" at KL Convention Centre from the 21st to the 24th. the pay : RM 120 a day. from 10am to 6pm. meals provided and stuff. argh! i was like YES YES YES! CASH!!!! i need cash for prom next week on the 29th. *sigh* now, i just found out that i didnt get it. awwwww... not hot enough lah i think. lolz. i know Sze Keat's laughing. anyways, that whole week last week, i watched benchwarmers that was a movie that was so STUPID it made my brain MELT. i mean like no story line whatsoever. and i dont care if my ticket only cost 6 bucks. it was a TOTAL waste of money. so ppl, DONT watch it man...
On friday, went out with my boy. *grin* went to OU to watch Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift. heheh... damn nice wei the movie. though i m not into cars and all. now i wanna watch the omen. jeng jeng jeng!!!!! heard it's scary. my friends and even my boyfriend is scared to watch it with me. so, any takers? please call and we shall go watch and watch me pee in my seat cos i'd be sooo terrified. Then Saturday went to Bangsar for Fete de la Musique. Adrian's band and a few other friends' bands were performing. Then went to Hartamas. foosed at Breakerz with Syamir and then we went to playaz and then went back to bangsar. this foosball. it's still in my system. cant seem to kick this ADDICTION... thinking bout joining the OU competition with Syamir. hmmm... maybe not. haha.
Yesterday was the Kasturi Awards thing at federal hotel. AND my brother's Sweet Sixteenth birthday. AND Father's Day. AND the day mommy got admitted to the hospital. mommy's been having real high fever for like 2 or 3 days. so daddy got worried. sent her to SJMC. he called me while i was out in KLCC and i got quite worried. just called her this morning. she's OK. hehe. will be discharged today. THANK GOD. so yesterday was quite eventful but boring. haha. Sze Keat thinks, no, no, KNOWS, that he's so cute. heck, he even thinks he's so hot! haha, yes hun. u know u are. lolz. i smsed him in the morning saying " hey sze keat. hehe. are u going for the kasturi thing today?" guess what he replied???? "hey natalie. hehe. are u going for the kasturi thing today?" my gosh. i wanted to just pick the nearest person to me and strangle the poor sinless soul man... then he came. i swear i think u're looking better and better everytime i see u. lolz. *grin* watch.ur.back. nah just kidding. while the ceremony began, we talked bout old times. *sigh* the memories. they were SWEET. makes me think. the smallest things that might not have been significant then is somehow significant now. bad or good. it just puts a warm feeling in your chest just thinking about these memories. doesnt everybody agree now?
well i think it's all for now. everyone's hit by world cup fever. haih... boring lah. watching 22 idiots chasing after ONE ball for like one and half hours or more. hehe, i know i m so gonna pay for what i just said... anyways, have fun all. call me out whenever. bored to bits. yumcha or something oso can. till later, toodles!!
love y'all...
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Argentina 6-0 Serbia Montenegro
It's as good as not playing football at all. =(
But then...
At least they qualified for World Cup.
Malaysia - Malaysia didn't even qualify for nuts.
I wonder how Argentina-Malaysia match is gonna be like? :)
Thursday, June 15, 2006
SPAIN THRASHED UKRAINE 4-0 wut a boring match.. hey u gotta admit. first 15 mins or so, sccored 2 goals. And then 48th min, A Bloody PENALTY. n finally some dumb goal at the last 10 mins.. i dun like one sided matches. it'z too un "world-cup" like..
Anyway enough talk of WC. See here, i got a problem. i just finished watchin the whole season (so far) for Yakitate Japan (some anime-- non-anime peeps can stop reading from dis point (.) <---yeah dis point). Okay so i need some reference on what other GOOD, GOOD as in GOOD, not some cacated Doraemon kinda anime... So anyone watching some GOOD ones can introduce to me ar?
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
omgosh first tyre puncture XD
How mad is that?! not that i support them or anythin. but being in a country for nearly 1.5 years kinda makes u like sorta "attached" to the country itself.
Anyways all u should watch dat match, it seriously one mad ass match.. watch the replay or something. there's bound to be one. Coz it's like de best match so far in the WC till this point of time (even though aus played like crap) . And i'm not saying that from a bias point of view-- Unbelievable??, WATCH N BELIVE IT!
Monday, June 12, 2006
go put something like:
Here's Shannon, going to bed. Talk Later.
- s e t h - thanks man. says:
that'll mean a lot more to everybody. trust me ; )
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Year 2005 from my phone
Anyway, here's a video of me and Yi Sung, trying to act in a McD's commercial. Don't know what we're trying to say though. Can't hear me talking though.. haha.
But nonetheless, this is my very first attempt of subbing videos. Hehe... So enjoy my very first piece of work. =P The quality's a bit blur though...
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Horror!
Nobody's really talking. There's been a drastic increase of the number of silent bloggers! =( I'm so sad...
But then again...
It's not their fault. This week was exam week. But exams are over, so bring it on!!! ;-) ;-)
Anyway, while I was talking to Seth about movies just now. A movie popped into my head.
I mean, the marketing was good. Could the release date be a mere coincidence? I think not.
Before I continue any further, there's a message of caution for you guys:
WARNING: Do NOT, I repeat, Do NOT scroll any further - if you're a f*ckin' scaredy cat who screams everytime you watch a horror movie, and cries for your momma. And then you pee in your pants and continue watching the horror movie because you're so scared you cannot move out of your seat. Then, you poop in your pants and walah! All of a sudden, you became the horror in the cinema, instead of smelling the sweet smell of the *oh so great* caramel popcorn, it turns out that the other audiences are smelling the poop that has been..umm..released by you gluteus maximus.
However, if you do not comply to the category above. It SHOULD be safe for you to proceed.
This movie that I wanted to talk to you guys about it.. The Omen or also known as The Omen 666. The movie was release last Tuesday on 06.06.06.
Scary lehh!
But this movie has quite a cool poster.

I didn't really think this movie was suppose to be scary. For a moment I thought that it'll be like this movie...

oh c'mon, you can't possible blame me. But then again, I haven't watched the movie yet, so I can't really comment much on it. haha...
But the kid does look really cute!
But if so, hopefully the movie doesn't turn out to be like...

is just too scary.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
Fellow Ex-classmates!!!!
Hey guys sung here. Sorry for taking such a long while before actually posting something and getting involved in our own 5K blog!!!